Naturopathic Approach to Perimenopause and Menopause

The Menopause is a phase of a woman’s life that usually begins in her 40s. The first phase of menopause is known as Perimenopause and it begins with shifts in hormone levels and may be accompanied by changes in our body, including mood swings, weight gain, brain fog, low libido, PMS, menstrual irregularity, vaginal dryness, headache, irritability, poor sleep quality, hot flushes and the list goes on…..

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or need support to get back on track with your health, read on to discover the Naturopathic approach to healing and how this natural treatment can resolve your symptoms and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Grey haired menopausal woman sitting with her head in her hands seated in front of her computer searching for answers to  menopausal symptoms

How Naturopathy Can Help You

Naturopathy treats the whole person rather than a symptom or illness and addresses the cause and drivers of imbalance within the body so you can achieve positive and lasting results.

Our body has an innate ability to heal itself and Naturopathy works to support the body during this process. The focus is on the cause of the health issues and disease prevention.

Naturopathy incorporates the body, mind and emotions throughout the healing process. Healing practices work in harmony with your body’s own healing mechanisms. The following interventions may be used to support the process:

Herbal Medicine is used to treat and prevent a range of illnesses. Herbal medicine has been used traditionally to relieve symptoms of menopause, particularly hot flushes, moodiness, low energy and poor sleep.

brown medicine bottle with a dropper in front of rosemary leaves
A brown haired woman smiling and holding a bowl containing salad and about to eat  it with a fork

Diet and nutrition help to restore balance and help with detoxification for disease prevention. During menopause weight gain is often a concern for women and this can be caused by insulin resistance. We employ strategies to address insulin resistance and improve, not only your weight, but overall health and wellness.

A woman wearing grey and orange sneakers is walking up a flight of stone stairs to improve her wellness and for stress reduction

Lifestyle Advice to support wellness and stress reduction

Detoxification and Lymphatic Cleansing to optimise health and promote wellbeing

Two glasses filled with green juice on a table with lemons and green vegetables in the background

If you’re ready to explore natural treatment for Perimenopausal or Menopausal Symptoms, book an appointment with Colleen today.